Conduttore nudo Acss agli standard di ASTM

 Conduttore nudo Acss agli standard di ASTM

Prodotto in dettaglio

Informazioni di Base

Model No.:ACSS
Tipo: Nudo
Tipo di conduttore: Stranded
Applicazione: Alto , Riscaldamento
Materiale del conduttore: Alluminio
Forma Materiale: Filo tondo
Certificazione: ISO9001 , CE , CCC , RoHS

Informazioni Aggiuntive.

Imballaggio:Packed in Reels
Origine:Zhengzhou, China
Codice SA:8544492100
Capacità di Produzione:10X20' Containers Per Month

Descrizione del prodotto

Aluminum CoNductor. Stanzael Supported.
ACSS coNducto m. eets o exceeds tlui followiNG ASTM standards:
   B341 Alum. iNum. COAted Steel Cminerale metallifero Wire fo AluMINum. Csuductors, SteEL ReiNforced.
   B500 M. etallic COAted STReed SteEL Cminerale metallifero Fo Alum. iNum. CoNDuctors, Steel ReiNforced.
   B609 Alum. iNum. 1350 rouND Wire, Annealed aNd INterm. ediate Tem. pers, fo ElECTRical unità di elaborazionerposes
   B802 Zinc5% Alum. iil NUm. M. iSchm. etal Alloy-COAted Steel Cminerale metallifero Wire fo AluMINum. Csuductors, SteEL
    B803 HighSTRength ZiNc5% Alum. iNum. M. iSchm. etal AlloyCOAted Steel Cminerale metallifero Wire fo Alum. iNum. aND Alum. iNum. Alloy CoNductors, Stanguilla ReiNforced.
    B856 ConceNTRicLayStreed Alum. iNum. CoNductors, COAted SteEL SsuPoted(ACSS)
ACSS iCA dello S. om. Positla comunità europeasucenTRicls ayTRanded csuductor. Stanguilla sTRands form. tlui cenTRal memoria of tlui csuducto with una o m. minerale metallifero layers della alum. iNum. 1350O wire streearou di dNd it. La stememoria di EL cl’ARries m. ost o all di tlui m. echaNicAl load of tlui conductor due to tlui "O" (fullannea di yled o soft) tem. Per alum. iNum. . Steel memoria wirl’es è protECted from. corrosioN by GAlv iziNG, alum. iNiziNg, o MIschm. etAl allcoa oyTiNG CorosioN protECTisu shoulla d è esperto in informaticalECted to suit tlui enviroNm. otorinolaringoiatrico to whCIh tlui coNducto willa l è exposed. Ciaogh sTRength steel memoria is alcosì available

Parola di codice (ACSS)
STRaNd iNg (Al/St)
Diameter (iN)  
Weight per1000 ft (lb)
Streptococco RatedeNgth RicercaistaNCe
Ohm /1000ft
PCAity a
INdividuAl wire  
Smemoria del teel
Carrozza dello scompartimentole
StaNstreng di dardth libbre Histreng di ghth libbre HS285 ** strength libbre  
CC a
CA a
Al Steel
Partridge 266.8 26/7 0.1013 0.0788 0.2363 0.642 366.8 8880 9730 11400 .0619 .0761 812
JuNco 266.8 30/7 0.0943 0.0943 0.2829 0.660 417.4 11700 13000 15200 .0615 .0756 822
Ostrich 300.0 26/7 0.1074 0.0835 0.2506 0.680 412.4 10000 10900 12800 .0551 .0677 877
LiNrete 336.4 26/7 0. 1137 0.0885 0.2654 0.720 462.5 11200 12300 14400 .0491 .0604 945
Oiole 336.4 30/7 0.1059 0.1059 0.3177 0.741 526.3 14800 16300 19100 .0488 .0600 957
ReggisenoNt 397.5 24/7 0.1287 0.0858 0.2574 0.772 511.4 11000 12100 14100 .0417 .0514 1047
Libbrais 397.5 26/7 0.1236 0.0962 0.2885 0.783 546.5 13000 14200 16500 .0416 .0512 1054



Lark 397.5 30/7 0. 1151 0. 1151 0.3453 0.806 621.9 17500 19300 22600 .0413 .0508 1068
Floridaicker 477 24/7 0.1410 0.0940 0.2819 0.846 613.6 13000 14200 16400 .0348 .0429 1180
Falco 477 26/7 0.1354 0.1053 0.3160 0.858 655.8 15600 17100 19800 .0346 .0427 1188
Gallina 477 30/7 0.1261 0.1261 0.3783 0.883 746.3 21000 22700 26700 .0344 .0424 1204
Parakeet 556.5 24/7 0.1523 0.1015 0.3045 0.914 715.9 15200 16600 19200 .0298 .0368 1306
Colomba 556.5 26/7 0.1463 0. 1138 0.3413 0.927 765.1 18200 19900 23200 .0297 .0366 1315
Eagle 556.5 30/7 0.1362 0.1362 0.4086 0.953 870.6 24500 26500 31100 .0295 .0363 1331
Pavone 605 24/7 0.1588 0.1058 0.3175 0.953 778.3 16500 18100 20800 .0274 .0339 1379
Squab 605 26/7 0.1525 0. 1186 0.3559 0.966 831.8 19700 21300 25200 .0273 .0337 1389
Wood Dule CK 605 30/7 0.1420 0.1420 0.4260 0.994 946.5 26000 28300 33300 .0271 .0334 1407
Teal 605 30/19 0.1420 0.0852 0.4260 0.994 938.6 26600 29300 34800 .0272 .0335 1406
Corvo 636 24/7 0.1628 0.1085 0.3256 0.977 818.2 17300 19000 21900 .0261 .0322 1425
Grosbeak 636 26/7 0.1564 0.1216 0.3649 0.991 874.4 20700 22400 26000 .0260 .0321 1435
Melanitta 636 30/7 0.1456 0.1456 0.4368 1.019 995.0 27400 29700 35000 .0258 .0318 1454
Egret 636 30/19 0.1456 0.0874 0.4368 1.019 986.8 28000 30900 36600 .0258 .0319 1453
Flam. iNandare 666.6 24/7 0.1667 0. 1111 0.3333 1.000 857.6 18200 19900 22900 .0249 .0308 1470
Gannet 666.6 26/7 0.1601 0.1245 0.3736 1.014 916.4 21700 23400 27300 .0248 .0306 1480
Stl’ILt 715.5 24/7 0.1727 0. 1151 0.3453 1.036 920.5 19500 21300 24600 .0232 .0287 1540
Stl’ARLiNg 715.5 26/7 0.1659 0.1290 0.3871 1.051 983.7 23300 25200 29800 .0231 .0286 1550
RedwiNg 715.5 30/19 0.1544 0.0927 0.4633 1.081 1110.1 30800 34000 39800 .0230 .0284 1570
CucKoo 795 24/7 0.1820 0.1213 0.3640 1.092 1022.7 21700 23300 26900 .0209 .0259 1650
Drake 795 26/7 0.1749 0.1360 0.4080 1.107 1093.0 25900 28000 32600 .0209 .0257 1662
Macaw 795 42/7 0.1376 0.0764 0.2293 1.055 857.5 11800 12600 14300 .0211 .0262 1621
TNRE 795 45/7 0.1329 0.0886 0.2658 1.063 894.9 14200 15200 17400 .0210 .0263 1618
Condor 795 54/7 0.1213 0.1213 0.3640 1.092 1022.7 21700 23300 26900 .0209 .0266 1618
Mallard 795 30/19 0.1628 0.0977 0.4884 1.139 1233.4 34300 37900 44300 .0207 .0255 1683
RudDy 900 45/7 0.1414 0.0943 0.2828 1.131 1013.1 15800 17000 19200 .0186 .0233 1755
Canarino 900 54/7 0.1291 0.1291 0.3873 1.162 1157.8 24600 26400 30500 .0184 .0236 1756
Redbird 954 24/7 0.1994 0.1329 0.3987 1.196 1227.3 26000 28000 32300 .0174 .0217 1859
Guida 954 45/7 0.1456 0.0971 0.2912 1.165 1073.9 16700 18000 20400 .0175 .0220 1824
Towhee 954 48/7 0.1410 0.1097 0.3290 1.175 1122.3 19700 21300 24300 .0175 .0218 1842
SchedaiNAl 954 54/7 0.1329 0.1329 0.3987 1.196 1227.3 26000 28000 32300 .0174 .0223 1825
CaNvasback 954 30/19 0.1783 0.1070 0.5350 1.248 1480.1 41100 45400 53100 .0172 .0214 1897
SNowbird 1033.5 42/7 0.1569 0.0871 0.2614 1.203 1114.7 15400 16500 18500 .0162 .0204 1924
Ortol 1033.5 45/7 0.1515 0.1010 0.3031 1.212 1163.4 18100 19500 22000 .0162 .0204 1921
Curlew 1033.5 54/7 0.1383 0.1383 0.4150 1.245 1329.6 28200 30300 35000 .0161 .0206 1924
BlueJay 1113 45/7 0.1573 0.1048 0.3145 1.258 1252.8 19500 21100 23800 .0150 .0190 2017
FiNch 1113 54/19 0.1436 0.0861 0.4307 1.292 1428.9 30400 33200 38700 .0150 .0193 2015
BuNtiNg 1192.5 45/7 0.1628 0.1085 0.3256 1.302 1342.4 21400 23500 25400 .0140 .0178 2110
Bittern 1272 45/7 0.1681 0. 1121 0.3362 1.345 1431.9 22300 24000 27200 .0131 .0167 2200
PheAsaNt 1272 54/19 0.1535 0.0921 0.4604 1.381 1633.0 34100 37300 43000 .0131 .0169 2200
Dipper 1351 45/7 0.1733 0. 1155 0.3465 1.386 1520.8 23700 25500 28800 .0124 .0158 2289


MercatoiN 1351 54/19 0.1582 0.0949 0.4745 1.424 1734.5 36200 39600 45600 .0123 .0160 2288
BoboLiNK 1431 45/7 0.1783 0. 1189 0.3566 1.427 1610.8 25100 27000 30500 .0117 .0150 2375
Plsopra 1431 54/19 0.1628 0.0977 0.4884 1.465 1837.2 38400 41900 48300 .0117 .0151 2375
Nutcappelloch 1510 45/7 0.1832 0.1221 0.3664 1.465 1699.8 26500 28100 31800 .0111 .0143 2459
Pappagallo 1510 54/19 0.1672 0.1003 0.5017 1.505 1938.6 40400 44200 51000 .0110 .0144 2460
Rattoite 1590 42/7 0.1946 0.1081 0.3243 1.492 1715.0 23400 25000 27900 .0105 .0136 2543
LapwiNg 1590 45/7 0.1880 0.1253 0.3759 1.504 1789.8 27900 29600 33500 .0105 .0136 2543
Falimbroglione 1590 54/19 0.1716 0.1030 0.5148 1.544 2041.4 42600 46600 53700 .0105 .0137 2545
ChuKl’AR 1780 84/19 0.1456 0.0873 0.4367 1.601 2070.8 35400 38200 43900 .0094 .0122 2751
DerisioneiNGBird 2034.5 72/7 0.1681 0. 1121 0.3362 1.681 2159.3 27200 28900 32000 .0083 .0110 2960
StradarONUNer 2057 76/19 0.1645 0.0768 0.3839 1.700 2245.2 31700 33900 38300 .0082 .0108 2992
Bluebird 2156 84/19 0.1602 0.0961 0.4806 1.762 2508.2 42100 45500 51700 .0078 .0103 3106
Kiwi 2167 72/7 0.1735 0. 1157 0.3470 1.735 2299.9 29000 30800 34100 .0078 .0104 3080
ThRaslei 2312 76/19 0.1744 0.0814 0.4070 1.802 2523.5 35600 38100 43000 .0073 .0098 3218
Joree 2515 76/19 0.1819 0.0849 0.4245 1.880 2745.1 38700 41400 46800 .0067 .0092 3390

(1) il Datbased oN a Nil OMiNcarrozza di Alluomo di eufactured iaccor di Nil daNCe wiTh ASTM B 856.
(2) ricercaistaNCe aNd am. PCAity basato oN aN alum. iNum. coNductivity di 63%, SIGC a 20ºC, aNd un acciaio coNductivity di 8% SIGC a 20ºC.
(3) PCAity basato oN 200ºC coNtemp del D. erattoure, 25ºC ambieNtempera di tture, 2 ft/sec. wiNd, iN suN, wessoh aem di Nissivity di 0.5 aNd un coefficieNt di cosìlabso dell’ARrpintaisu 0.5, a sea levelettrico (4) streptococco RatedeNgth per la stastreptococco di ndardeNGth core basato oN Clasino A GAlst rivestita del ventilatoreememoria w di ELire iaccordo di NaNCe wiTh ASTM B 802.
(5) streptococco RatedeNgth per high sTReNgth core based oN Clasino A GAlventilatore coated high strength stmemoria w dell’anguillaire iaccordo di NaNCe wiTh B 803.
* DESigNated “da /HS„ (e.g. Drake/ACSS/HS)
** DESigNated by„ /HS285" (per esempio Drake/ACSS/HS285)


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